On the fourth day in Iceland, Ryan and I paid a visit to the famous Blue Lagoon. Unfortunately, the main lagoon was closed for construction during our stay (scheduled to open the day we left) so we had to go to the clinic resort which was somewhat pricy. However, this was our one splurge on the trip and it was totally worth it!
When we arrived we were given our own room, a face mask, moisturizer, a robe and sandals to wear around. We had free reign on the coffee and tea (sweet!) We were then shown to the lagoon and headed straight in.
The water was super warm, even though the day was crazy windy and it was still dark outside. The bottom of the lagoon was a white mud and the water was white-blue. Through out the morning, we chilled in here watching the sun come up. We did face masks by the pool (they had huge buckets that anyone could take from yet I saw the same product for sale at the airport for $88,00isk for a super small tube). It was really relaxing!

Photo by Ryan Mueller

Photo by Ryan Mueller

After the Blue Lagoon, we took a beautiful drive back to Reykjavik. On the way home we sopped at Krysuvik-Seltun- a group of hot springs that stunk like sulfur and were incredible to look at. The colours ranged from reds and oranges to yellows and blues. This geothermal area was drilled in 1756 by the first travellers to drill in Iceland. Today, it is a beautiful attraction but not used for drilling purposes.

Finally, we ended our day in downtown Rejkyavik having a few pints with friends. Overall, it was a great last day.
Peace, love & history.